Marriage Advice: Time Out For Better Relationships
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Marriage Advice: Time Out For Better Relationships

Marriage advice: This simple piece of advice could save your relationship Sticks and Stones I once did a talk in a bookstore and noted that the phrase “Sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us” was inaccurate—thoughtless and cruel words can cause lasting damage, leaving emotional scars that fester long…

How to Tell If The Person You’re Dating Is Rebounding
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How to Tell If The Person You’re Dating Is Rebounding

Rebounding often has a negative connotation, but rebounding is not necessarily negative. Relationships may end making us better or bitter. Over three decades as a licensed and marriage and family therapist, I have watched many people end relationships and move on to make healthier choices. The definition of rebound refers to an object hitting a…

Slaying the Green-Eyed Dragon: A Lesson in Jealousy
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Slaying the Green-Eyed Dragon: A Lesson in Jealousy

Do you discuss problems in your relationship with friends or family instead of with your partner? Do you often find yourself feeling or acting judgmental towards your partner? Do you allow negative feelings—about your partner or relationship—to fester, and discover that they are ignited or further fueled by conversations with friends and family? WHEN JEALOUSY…

Marriage: How to Remain The Best of Lovers and The Best of Friends
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Marriage: How to Remain The Best of Lovers and The Best of Friends

Are you getting married? Or newly married? Have you wondered, “How do we remain the best of lovers and the best of friends after we’re married? Is it possible for us to stay in love for decades? Can our love last? Can we live our dreams and still live in reality?” The answer is yes,…

How to Consciously Choose the Right Partner
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How to Consciously Choose the Right Partner

There’s nothing worse than getting deep into a relationship and then suddenly realizing that you’ve made a poor choice. Before you get into a committed relationship with someone new, it’s important to avoid some of the common mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes people make is becoming a “dopamine dope.” In the early stages of…