Mind Over Matter – Create Your Best Reality
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Mind Over Matter – Create Your Best Reality

We can use our mind power, our brain, to create the reality we want, the reality we dream of, our best life, our best reality. This brief video takes short clips from Dr. Michael J. Duckett’s presentations on unleashing mind power, the power of the brain, to create our own reality, the type of dream…

Your Thoughts Produce Your Reality
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Your Thoughts Produce Your Reality

Your daily thoughts and/or your daily questions create your daily reality. If you think about lack, you produce more lack. If you think about being lonely, you create more loneliness. If you think about being broke, you create more broke-ness. We have the ability to create whatever we want. People limit themselves by not properly…

Diabetic’s Journey: How Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed and Cured
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Diabetic’s Journey: How Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed and Cured

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed? According to Ernest Quansah and Prof. S.M. RAJENDRAN. M.D., FRCP(GLAS), D.Sc. it’s possible to reverse diabetes – type 2 diabetes, that is. The following is a review by Dr. Rajendran of Ernest Quansah’s book, Diabetic’s Journey: How Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed and Cured. It gives me great pleasure…

Narcissism: Why Labeling People Is a Dangerous Thing – Part 3
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Narcissism: Why Labeling People Is a Dangerous Thing – Part 3

Society is fond of labeling people. Ists and phobes abound. Driven largely by the media, these labels relegate individuals and groups of people to the realm of unimportance. If, for example, you’ve been assigned the narcissism label, you are usually perceived as having no redeeming qualities. You’re someone others should avoid at all costs. Your…

Narcissism: Healthy Narcissism Vs Narcissistic Disorder – Part 2
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Narcissism: Healthy Narcissism Vs Narcissistic Disorder – Part 2

“I was married to a narcissist,” a woman says of her ex. “The President is a narcissist,” the pundit proclaims. What is a narcissist and why do we hear that term tossed around so loosely today when it is technically a psychiatric diagnosis? First, let’s look at where the term came from. Narcissus was a…

The Missing Ingredient to Manifesting Your Dreams
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The Missing Ingredient to Manifesting Your Dreams

How are you at manifesting your dreams? I’ve set lots of goals over the course of my life, as well as had big dreams that seemed impossible. Some of my goals have happened, others have not. Recently I had a big impossible dream fall miraculously into place. I’m talking about a revolutionary, life-altering dream that…

Narcissism Vs. Narcissistic Traits – Part 1
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Narcissism Vs. Narcissistic Traits – Part 1

We hear the term narcissist thrown around a lot these days. You hear your neighbor say her mother-in-law is a narcissistic. You hear your best friend say her ex-spouse is a narcissist. Perhaps you’ve heard your family member call his boss a narcissist. Rarely are any of these people given a professional diagnosis. It’s usually…

Marriage Advice: Time Out For Better Relationships
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Marriage Advice: Time Out For Better Relationships

Marriage advice: This simple piece of advice could save your relationship Sticks and Stones I once did a talk in a bookstore and noted that the phrase “Sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us” was inaccurate—thoughtless and cruel words can cause lasting damage, leaving emotional scars that fester long…

Enter to Win a Copy of Change Your Story, Change Your Brain

Enter to Win a Copy of Change Your Story, Change Your Brain

Do you feel as if someone else is writing the story of your life? Learn to program your brain to live with purpose. Change Your Story: Change Your Brain is a guide to living more fully in the present moment. As you live with greater intention, you can literally change the structure of your brain….